Privacy Policy

Dear visitors,

Welcome to our Privacy policy concerning the personal data that we handle during your use of our website

This policy is presented as a Q & A.

It explains how we store your personal data and how it is handled.

It also reminds you of your specific rights concerning personal data and explains how you can make sure they are recognised.

Who is in charge of processing my personal data?

The entity in charge of processing data is the Company :

24 avenue Hoche
75008 Paris, France
RCS Paris 900 305 012

UBY management is available for any inquiry concerning this document.

Main Contact : Frederic BRANDT

e-mail adress:

We use your personal data for:

  • Improving the relevance of our website;
  • Ensure streamlined communications with staff in charge of managing neighbour feedback;
  • Improve our offering to better suit your needs.

We collect or use your personal data based on your consent:

  • When you decide to continue browsing on our site (cookies);
  • You fill in the contact form for receiving more information about our solutions;
  • You create a user account in order to communicate with staff of a neighbouring worksite.

The personal data that we process are:

  • Those you have sent us through the contact form;
  • The technical data about your using our servie (IP address, cookies…)

We collect and process the following categories of personal data:

  • Data that you provide:
    • First name,
    • Last name,
    • Phone number (optional),
    • Email,
  • Technical data:
    • IP address,


Your personal data is neither shared nor sold to any other persons.

No, we do not collect any sensitive data about you.

Sensitive or particular data are:

  • Personal data about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions and beliefs, union membership, personal genetic data, biometric information for identifying physical persons in a unique way, personal data about health or personal data about sexual behaviour or orientation of a physical person.
  • Personal data about misdemeanours and criminal convictions.

No, we do not transfer any data outside of the European Union.

As of 1st June 2024, countries of the European Union are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, the Netherlands, Czechia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden.

Your personal data are stored in the European Union (in France). The website is hosted by OVH.

The UBY Environment, UBY Structure, UBY Safe (Omniscient), UBY Asset, UBY Soil platforms and the worksite widgets (UBY Com) are hosted on Microsoft Azure.

We keep your data for the periods detailed below:

  • Promotion and commercial activities: data are kept during 3 years after our last contact;
  • Cookies: valid during 13 months:
    • __utma : 2 years.
    • __utmb : 30 min.
    • __utmc : deleted at the end of the session.
    • __utmt : 10 min.
    • __utmv : infinite.
    • __utmz : 6 months.


Profiling means an automated handling of personal data intended for analysing or predicting information such as workplace productivity, socio-economic status, health, personal preference, centre of interest, reliability, behaviour, location or movements of the physical person in question.

As a private individual, you have the following rights:


  1. Right to access your data

That means you can ask us:

  • Whether we have stored personal data about you and
  • that we send you all the personal data about you that we have stored.

This right of access allows you to control the correctness of the data and if needed, ask us to correct them or delete them if they are incorrect or expired.

  1. Right to correct your data

You can request to edit incorrect information about you so that the your information is up-to-date and correct.

  1. Right to delete your data
  1. Right to refuse that your data be handled

You can refuse, for legitimate reasons, that your data be transmitted or stored.

  1. Right to limit the handling of your data

You can ask that only the data necessary to the person in charge of managing the data, may be used.

  1. Right to carry-over your data

You can retrieve a part or the entirety of your data in an open and readable format (electronically). Your data can be stored or transmitted from one system to another so as to be reused.

  1. Right not to be subjected to automatic data processing

The right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on an automatic processing of your data includes profiling and more generally any processing that produces legal consequences to you or with significant similar effect on you.
This right does not apply when the decision taken after an automatic processing:

  • Is necessary to the conclusion or the execution of a contract between you and the person in charge of such processing;
  • Is authorised by the Law of the European Union or French Law and provides appropriate measures to safeguard your rights and liberties and your legitimate interests;
  • Is based on your explicit consent.


  1. Right to withdraw at any time your consent to the processing of your data (if your data are processed based on your consent)
  1. Post-mortem rights

You have the right to define specific instructions concerning what happens to your personal data after your death.
N.B.: These rights are not absolute. You can exercise them in the intended legal framework and within their limits. In certain cases, we will not answer favorably to your request (legal obligation, respecting our engagements toward you…) If so, we will inform you of the reasons for declining.

For more information about your rights, please look up the French Digital liberties commission (in French)

If you request the deletion of your personal data or if you refuse they be processed, you will no longer benefit from services or features offered by UBY.

In certain cases, we will not reply favourably to your request (legal obligation, respect of our commitments to you…). In that case, we will inform you of the reason of this refusal

To exercise your rights, you can contact UBY management:

Main contact: Frederic BRANDT


You can also write to UBY:

Frederic Brandt – UBY

6 rue Troyon – 92310 Sèvres, France

In case of difficulties, you can also file a complaint with the competent authority : CNIL

Our website is hosted in France, the applicable law is that of the French Republic. The authority regulating data protection is